2014 Annual Report: Training Program

Relationships, engagement, accomplishment and positive emotion all play an integral part in well-being. A strength of our training program is our investment in the whole person, so that trainees can sustain their well being after graduation. This is how trainees describe the effect the Training Program has had on their lives: “Social workers, volunteers, employees, and other trainees are a …

Homeless Garden Project Store Grows Up

Early on, the Women’s Organic Flower Enterprise filled a void in Homeless Garden Project’s training program during the winter months and held out the promise of earned income for the Project. In 2014, the Homeless Garden Project Store has done so much more than fill out the training program in the winter months.  Today it’s at the center of a web of community …

How HGP’s Training Program Works: A Look Inside

The training program at the Homeless Garden Project serves as a principle mechanism to ensure HGP achieves our mission, which states “in the soil of our urban farm and garden, people find the tools they need to build a home in the world”. In interviewing prospective trainees, our staff looks at three central qualifying features in a candidate. A candidate …

Guest Blog: Tackling The Structural Sources of Homelessness

In recent months, public concern about safety has increasingly zeroed in on Santa Cruz’s homeless population. Sadly, this attention has focused on reducing support for vulnerable groups and pushing unhoused people out of community spaces rather than addressing the root causes of homelessness – low wages, unemployment and underemployment, a chronic shortage of affordable housing, complex and often untreated health …