Exactly a year ago today, I never would have imagined I could be in this place now.

Not too long ago, I was in a marriage living in a home with my husband and children, and my mom lived close by. My dad died when I was twelve, and my mom and I have always been very close since then. I was married for fourteen years and have been through a lot with my husband. Addiction was …

Everything I Need in a Job

On May 27, 2016, I was released from jail after a month of incarceration. I had only been in the car about two minutes when my case worker informed me that the Homeless Garden Project (HGP) was going to give jobs to the first 20 people that showed up to their main office; my first inclination was “too much, too …

I Was a Survivor and Now I’m living

I have been a trainee at the Homeless Garden Project’s Natural Bridges Farm for nearlya year, and what a wondrous year it has been. The wisdom, knowledge, compassion and support, the camaraderie and bonding, as well as understanding and patience that have been showered upon me is without measure, appreciated, and surprisingly now welcomed. It was not always so. For …