2014 Annual Report: Our Social Enterprises

Value in our Enterprises Value starts at our farm as trainees nurture the soil, grow vegetables and share the bounty with our community. But trainees gain valuable work skills and continue to add value from our farm to our workshop and retail store, where products are handmade and used to raise money for our projects. Farm Enterprises In 2014 we …

Homeless Garden Project Store Grows Up

Early on, the Women’s Organic Flower Enterprise filled a void in Homeless Garden Project’s training program during the winter months and held out the promise of earned income for the Project. In 2014, the Homeless Garden Project Store has done so much more than fill out the training program in the winter months.  Today it’s at the center of a web of community …

The Mutuality of Nourishment

As 2009 opened, I was issued a challenge – extended by my youngest sister to each of her six siblings – to make at least 500 pb&j sandwiches for the local soup kitchen or outreach center of my choosing. After strong-arming my Solstice partygoers into a couple of hours of focused sandwich making, my wife Christine and I had a …