2016 Annual Report: Donors
Many Thanks to All of Our Generous Donors in 2016. Our Garden and Our Trainees Couldn’t Grow Without You! Sustainer of the Garden ($25,000 and over) Quentin Hancock Newman’s Own Foundation Nurturer of the Garden ($10,000-$24,999) Monterey Peninsula Foundation George L. Shields Foundation, Inc. Patrice Boyle Cody Swift Synod of the Pacific Grower of the Garden ($5,000-$9,999) City of …
2015 Annual Report: Donors
A Huge, Warm Thank You to All of Our Many Generous Donors in 2015. Without You, Our Garden, and Our Trainees Couldn’t Grow! Sustainer of the Garden ($25,000 and over) Quentin Hancock Newman’s Own Foundation Michael Zwerling, KSCO Radio Nurturer of the Garden ($10,000-$24,999) Anonymous Helen and Will Webster Foundation Monterey …
2014 Annual Report: Donors
A Hearty Thank You to All Our Generous Donors. You Make Our Garden Grow! Sustainer of the Garden ($25,000 and over) Quentin Hancock Newman’s Own Foundation Nurturer of the Garden ($10,000-$24,999) Patrice Boyle Helen and Will Webster Foundation Monterey Peninsula Foundation, host of the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am George L. Shields Foundation, Inc. …
2014 Annual Report: Our Social Enterprises
Value in our Enterprises Value starts at our farm as trainees nurture the soil, grow vegetables and share the bounty with our community. But trainees gain valuable work skills and continue to add value from our farm to our workshop and retail store, where products are handmade and used to raise money for our projects. Farm Enterprises In 2014 we …
2014 Annual Report: Training Program
Relationships, engagement, accomplishment and positive emotion all play an integral part in well-being. A strength of our training program is our investment in the whole person, so that trainees can sustain their well being after graduation. This is how trainees describe the effect the Training Program has had on their lives: “Social workers, volunteers, employees, and other trainees are a …
2014 Annual Report: Cultivating Community
2014: Our Volunteer Community Grew This year, we partnered with 2,200 volunteers at the farm, workshop, retail store and office, with a total of nearly 20,000 hours. According to national averages, the estimated service value of our volunteers for 2014 is $405,400! We can’t emphasize enough what an important role this community plays in our daily lives at HGP. We …
2012 Volunteering Annual Report
Who we worked with: • We worked with over 1544 volunteers at the farm, workshop, retail store, events and office with over 16,586 hours (at $10/hour, a value of $165,860) At the Downtown Holiday Store: • For five weeks from November 19th-December 24th 2012, we had over 80 volunteers donate 1,382 hours of service to our Holiday Store on Pacific …