Guest Blog: Tackling The Structural Sources of Homelessness

In recent months, public concern about safety has increasingly zeroed in on Santa Cruz’s homeless population. Sadly, this attention has focused on reducing support for vulnerable groups and pushing unhoused people out of community spaces rather than addressing the root causes of homelessness – low wages, unemployment and underemployment, a chronic shortage of affordable housing, complex and often untreated health …

Growth: What Does It Mean to You?

Every day, we are reminded that our work at the Homeless Garden Project is about growth.  One of our core values is, “We value the capacity of every individual for growth and renewal.”  It’s a tiny word packed with meaning. Below are some thoughts about growth—from famous and less well-known thinkers. We’d like to hear from you: what does “Growth” …

Oral Historian Irene Reti on “Cultivating a Movement: Pioneers of Sustainable Agriculture” on Saturday September 15th

“As an oral historian, I cultivate stories. I believe recording and passing down stories sustains us. I believe in stories we can find the seeds of a sustainable future, if we listen deeply. Tonight I want to give you a packet containing nine seeds of wisdom I found hidden in the life stories of organic and sustainable farmers, activists, teachers, …