Exactly a year ago today, I never would have imagined I could be in this place now.

Not too long ago, I was in a marriage living in a home with my husband and children, and my mom lived close by. My dad died when I was twelve, and my mom and I have always been very close since then. I was married for fourteen years and have been through a lot with my husband. Addiction was …

Watching My Life Bloom

My name is Jessica and this is my truth. I always knew that my chronic homelessness had a thin line between being caused by chance and by circumstance. What started by circumstance created a pattern in my life that consisted of bad choices and hard decisions. A lot of it can also depend on your stance of whether or not …

Our Volunteers Share Their Stories

“Service is not a hierarchy but a reciprocity in which the distinctions between teacher and pupil, giver and receiver, helper and helped constantly dissolve.” –Scott London In honor of Make a Difference Week, we took time to acknowledge our extraordinary community of volunteers, and to reflect on how volunteering with HGP has made a difference in people’s lives.  Becca McKnight is an invaluable …

Here, Amongst the Flowers and Vegetables

Lienallie gave this talk at Permaculture Action Day at our farm on November 4, 2017.  Over the course of the day, about 200 people gathered to take part in a day of hands-on regenerative projects, music, shared food, workshops, and taking action as a community. Lienallie spoke about her experience in Homeless Garden Project’s transitional employment program.  Here are her remarks. Hello, …

Shelter from the Storm

Justin gave this talk to guests at Homeless Garden Project’s Sustain Farm Supper, 9.16.2017 Good Evening!  First of all, I would like to thank everyone for being here tonight.  And an extra special thank you to Mr. Tom Steyer and Ms. Kat Taylor  for volunteering your time and energy to be with us tonight. But whether you are here to …

Everything I Need in a Job

On May 27, 2016, I was released from jail after a month of incarceration. I had only been in the car about two minutes when my case worker informed me that the Homeless Garden Project (HGP) was going to give jobs to the first 20 people that showed up to their main office; my first inclination was “too much, too …

Getting Back to Life

Good Evening everyone.  Thank you all for coming tonight.  My name is Katrina Dubinsky.  Everyone calls me Kat.  I am a very fortunate volunteer at Homeless Garden Project and I’m grateful Darrie asked me to speak tonight.  I am especially pleased to speak on something that involves promise, hope, solutions and humanity. I have much to tell about my experience …