Rev. 6/3/20

  • COVID-19 Exposure.  Individuals should not come to the farm if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has had COVID-19.
  • Masks.  Individuals should come wearing their own masks.  Masks are NOT a substitute for other social distancing practices
  • Temperature Check. All volunteers will have their temperature checked when they arrive at the farm.  If their temperature is above 100°F, they will be asked to leave the farm.
  • Social Distancing.  All individuals at the farm should maintain a distance of 6 feet from one another at all times throughout the day. 
  • General Hygiene.
    • Handwashing.  Individuals should wash their hands thoroughly (at least 20 seconds) and frequently throughout the day
    • Touching Face.  Individuals should avoid touching their face
    • Sneezing/Coughing.  Individuals should make sure to sneeze and cough into the crook of their elbow or use a tissue
  • Hand Cleaning.  Individuals should wash/sanitize their hands when arriving at and departing from the farm and before and after eating.
  • Porta Potty. 
    • Hand Cleaning.  Wash/sanitize hands before and after using the porta-potty.
    • Door Open.  Leave the door open when not in use to ventilate.
    • Seat Covers.  Use seat covers at all times.
  • Structures.  No individuals should enter the farm stand, tool shed, kitchen, or office aside from HGP staff and volunteer cooks (in the kitchen).
  • Tools
    • Distribution.  An HGP staff member will hand out tools to individuals at the beginning of each day or will place sanitized tools on the left side of the tool shed.
    • Used Tools.  Tools that have been used by an individual should be placed on the right side of the shed to be sanitized before being put away or used by another individual.  Wheelbarrows should be placed outside the gate near the Conex shipping container.
    • Tool Sharing.  Individuals should NOT share tools throughout the day without first cleaning them in between uses.
    • Work Gloves. Individuals will generally NOT be permitted to use HGP work gloves.  Some clean gloves will be available for individuals to use for certain tasks that require them.  These gloves will then be washed before being used again.  Disposable gloves will also be available and volunteers are welcome to bring their own work gloves.

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Claude Rosen