
of Graduates Obtained
Employment in Last 10 Years



of Graduates Obtained
Housing in Last 10 Years

" The Homeless Garden Project is a society, on a miniature scale, that genuinely cares about you and wants you to succeed. It also, in my opinion, surpasses probation and court mandated programs in actually helping people experiencing homelessness achieve a fruitful life. "
- Shannon, Trainee

Making a Difference

Homelessness and joblessness go hand in hand. Lack of job skills, recent work history, social support network and low self esteem all make the transition out of homelessness more difficult. The integrated approach of the Homeless Garden Project's programs addresses all of these needs.

Santa Cruz County continues to have one of the largest homeless populations by county in the United States. The Santa Cruz–Watsonville metro area has a proportion of homelessness about five times the national average. According to the 2023 Point-in-Time count, 79% of those experiencing homelessness at that time were unsheltered.

The Report also reaffirmed the importance of job training and support in the path out of homelessness. More than half of those surveyed were actively looking for work and not having a job remains among the largest barriers to housing. In the 2022 Homeless Census and Survey for Santa Cruz County, 75% of survey respondents answered employment assistance to the question, "Ways to prevent losing housing."


In the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness, participants noted numerous barriers to engaging in paid work. The conditions of homelessness required time and energy that reduced participants’ ability to earn income. Just as the lack of well-paid work had interfered with participants’ ability to maintain housing, their homelessness restricted their ability to engage in paid work. While homeless, they reported spending their time accessing services, searching for housing, safeguarding belongings, and meeting basic needs. As one participant summarized it: “Being homeless is a full time job.”

-Toward a New Understanding: California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness Executive Summary


Why Your CSA is So Much More than Just Good Vegetables

Community Supported Agriculture programs improve on traditional marketing models by forming a direct relationship between the farmer and consumer. Community members purchase a “share” of the farm in the Spring, then every week during the growing season they pick up their portion of the harvest. At our farm, the shareholder’s commitment allows us to grow with confidence, knowing that our crops have been purchased by someone who cares about the community. A quarter of our income each year comes from CSA purchases and from sales at our store, From Our Garden. This revenue directly supports HGP’s training and employment programs by helping those in need achieve a stable productive place in society. 

Our Impact Lately

19,000 lbs
organic produce

11,400 lbs produce
donated to
local non-profits

meals served
in 2023

22,000+ hours
of paid transitional employment (2024)

390 hours
of social work meetings
in 2023